
This Teen Told Her Sick Mom She Won’t Take Care Of Her When She’s Too Sick To Care For Herself And She’s Asking The Internet If It Was Wrong


“Your incubator… I mean mother made it very clear to you how she feels about you. She doesn’t seem to care about you unless you’re useful to her.”

“That’s no way to treat a person, let alone your own child. Then she forced you into paying rent as a minor and kicked you out when she couldn’t squeeze you for more money.”

“Now she wants you to forget all the bad treatment she gave you because she’s sick. Nah.”

“I’d throw the whole family away. They all seem to have forgotten what she put you through, or they think it was acceptable behavior when it wasn’t. I’d really suggest going low or no contact and do your own thing.”


You can read the rest of the advice the internet had here.

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