
This Dad Kicked His Pregnant Teen Daughter Out Of The House For Wanting To Keep Her Baby And He’s Asking The Internet If It’s Wrong Of Him To Do

“The daughter says I will take care of the baby but exactly how will she afford to? She will need to get a job to make money to put a roof over two heads and that will require child care. Does she expect Op and mom to do that for her?”

“She can file for child support and hopefully get it. Why is she couch surfing when she has a BF that should be taking her in? What about the other set of grandparents? Do they get a free pass? Why should everything end up on the shoulders of Op and his wife?”

“Is it a sh*tty situation? Absolutely yes. There are no winners. The only way I would have agreed to allow the daughter to stay would be if she was on a path towards eventual independence.”

“She would either have to obtain and maintain a job or get an education in order to get a decent job. Assistance would be provided for a fixed amount of time (including child care so daughter could work or go to class).”

“When she was not working or in school, she would be expected to be the sole caretaker of her child. Her partying days would be over.”

“Money earned would be used to take care of her child, pay for school, and put into savings. There would be an end date established and the daughter would have to prove that she could be a responsible parent.”

“Daughter should not be given a free ride as the time has come for her to grow up.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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