
At Her Friend’s Wedding, The Groom Tried To Sleep With Her And After She Told Her Friend What Happened, She’s Being Accused Of Ruining Her Friend’s New Marriage

Her friend the bride asked her husband what was going on, and again, this guy insisted she was drunk and misguided.

“The bride started screaming at me for trying to sabotage her day so I told her exactly what her precious husband had said to me with Emma backing up everything,” she said.

“Unbeknownst to us, the bride’s screaming had attracted everyone to the spot and they had heard everything. My back was towards the main hall so I had no idea. I left with some friends right away.”

She later heard from the bride’s own sister that many guests at the wedding thought she was telling the truth, and they all walked out after she did.

The bride broke down and sobbed, and then the groom got completely plastered.

“The bride has sent me a lengthy text saying that I should have kept it quiet and talked about it later on and that she’s cutting off contact with me as I’m trying to destroy her marriage,” she concluded.

She is aware that other wedding guests feel that she should have kept things quiet at the wedding too and only told the bride after it was done.

She’s left wondering if she handled things in the best way.

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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