
He Banned His Girlfriend’s Friends From His Bar For Causing Issues With His Female Customers And He’s Asking The Internet If He’s Wrong

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“As one of those staunch outspoken sober grandma feminists who does like to watch out for other girls on nights out, I’m appalled at their lack of respect for other women making their own decisions and forming their own opinions. And shouting at your staff isn’t on, ever.”

“Your bar, you reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for no reason. Though your reason is perfectly valid.”


“Having been victimized while drunk, I will usually check in with a woman who seems either creeped out or completely trashed at a bar. But I’m not their mom or their mom-friend. If they say they are fine, they’re fine.”

“If I still feel weird about the situation (or can’t figure out a way to talk to the woman alone), I might say something to a bouncer/bartender that I got bad vibes and leave it at that.”

“At the end of the day, yes, the woman might be staying in an unsafe situation, but that’s her choice. It doesn’t make something happening to her her fault, but it doesn’t make it my fault for “allowing it” either.”

“There’s a difference between genuinely wanting to help people and wanting to “rescue” people to be the hero.”

“Women hate when men try and “knight in shining armor” them but then go and do it to other women as if that somehow makes it okay.”

“It’s the same mentality of people who “go off” on abusers they see in public, not realizing (or not caring) they just endangered the victim. It’s not about you.”


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