
Her Friend Wants Her To Give Up Her Role As A Bridesmaid Yet Her Friend Is Refusing To Refund Her For The Money She Already Paid For Wedding Day Hair And Makeup

This all blew up a month ago, and she just learned that Jane already found someone else to be a bridesmaid to take her place.

She recalled that she had already given Jane the money for her makeup and hair to be done on the day of Jane’s wedding, and she wanted a refund.

“I asked for the money back as it was around $200 and I would not be participating in the bridal party anymore,” she said.

“All hell breaks loose with her fiancé messaging me and Jane blowing up my fiancé’s phone. She tells my fiancé that the money is gone and she won’t be sending it back to me.”

She’s left wondering if she was in the wrong for wanting a refund, considering Jane kicked her out of the bridal party and she had already paid a lot of money for the wedding day hair and makeup.

What do you think? Should she have just let it all go? Or was she right to ask Jane for a refund?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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