His Girlfriend Frequently Discusses Their Relationship On Her Podcast And Even Though He Asked Her To Stop Doing This, She Refuses

A 27-year-old man is dating his 27-year-old girlfriend, and they have been together since they were both 20.

Over the course of the pandemic, his girlfriend launched a podcast with a friend of hers, and it started out very slowly for them.

Eventually, it’s become a success, and now his girlfriend’s podcast has quite a large amount of listeners.

He is happy that his girlfriend made her podcast a success, but he has one big issue with her podcast.

“Her podcast is mainly an advice/ guru type podcast where people tweet her problems and she offers advice, like an agony aunt,” he explained.

“The problem is that she keeps using our relationship as an example, both good and bad.”

“A few weeks ago they were discussing support in relationships and she used two examples, one of when I tried to support her when her family pet died but ultimately she felt I wasn’t supportive enough, and another time when she was supporting me when I got fired due to a health problem.”

“I’m frustrated that she can frame herself as the hero and me as the villain without me getting a say in the matter.”

He really does not think that his girlfriend is supportive of him at all, and she certainly wasn’t when he was going through that tough time.

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Yes, he knows she did foot the bill for his expenses, but during that time when he was sick and without a job, she did nothing to support him in an emotional sense, and he needed her to do that.

His girlfriend’s friends are listening to her podcast, and he’s upset by the fact that she’s airing all of their relationship issues for the world to see, which now includes her friends.

He doesn’t want them knowing the intimate details of their relationship, but they do and it’s too late.

“I just want some privacy, but when I’ve brought it up in the past she says that the relatability is what makes it successful and that I’m just jealous because my podcast about internet mysteries hasn’t really had much success even though it’s been going for longer,” he said.

He’s left wondering how to deal with all of this because he has asked his girlfriend to stop putting their dirty laundry on her podcast, but she refuses to do this for him.

How would you handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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