
She Said Yes To Being A Bridesmaid For A Woman Who Is Getting Married That She Doesn’t Even Consider A Friend But Now She Needs To Figure Out How To Back Out Before The Wedding

“Mind you I haven’t seen them since before Covid and my communications with them were exclusively in the form of memes (most of which I rarely even replied to).”

“I was shocked that she asked, but not in the excited way. I was shocked because I didn’t think that would happen and because my initial reaction to being asked was dread.”

Regardless of how she felt, she told Jenni she would be a bridesmaid at her wedding. She just couldn’t figure out how to decline the invitation to be a bridesmaid, so she went with yes.

Unfortunately, now that she has said yes, it just so happens that this wedding is preventing her from going to other events in her life that are very important to her.

She’s going to miss out on her boyfriend’s birthday, and her best friend’s bachelorette party.

She’s also concerned that she will run into her ex at Jenni’s wedding since he is extremely close to her.

“All of it is getting incredibly complicated, and the long story short is: I want to back out,” she said.

“I don’t know what to do, or how to do it. Or if this is something I should suck up because I made the mistake and go through with it?”

She’s not sure how to move forward here. What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit.

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