Her Boyfriend Revealed To Her That He’s In Love With One Of Their Mutual Female Friends And She Can’t Get Over Her Jealousy

Yakobchuk Olena - stock.adobe.com
Yakobchuk Olena - stock.adobe.com

A woman has been dating her boyfriend for close to 8 months, and she’s seriously in love with him.

One good thing about their relationship is that they are super honest with one another…but that also has become a major downfall.

Her boyfriend revealed to her 2 months into dating her that he’s in love with one of their mutual female friends named Megan, and she’s certain he only told her that because they’re so honest with each other.

“I have known Megan for about a year and a half and my boyfriend knew her for about 6 years before I knew her so they’re pretty close,” she explained.

“It was through Megan that I met my current boyfriend. He told me that he loved her and I was kinda hurt but it’s also my boyfriend’s first relationship so I told him that it’s ok to have crushes when you’re in a relationship as long as you don’t pursue them.”

“I was happy that he felt comfortable telling me that but I couldn’t help but feel jealous.”

As she continued the relationship with her boyfriend, she was hoping that in the next 6 months his feelings for Megan would die down, but they didn’t at all.

She routinely questioned her boyfriend about if he kept feeling that he was in love with Megan, and he confirmed that he felt that way multiple times.

As her boyfriend confirmed these feelings for Megan, he would tell her at the same time that he did love her “with all of this heart” too.

deagreez – stock.adobe.com

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Well, she found herself creating some space with Megan over her boyfriend’s feelings, though it was easy to distance herself since her free time never aligned with Megan’s.

Although she wasn’t as interested in continuing her friendship with Megan, her boyfriend sure was.

“It was maybe 5 months into the relationship and my boyfriend and I were hanging out together and my boyfriend got a text from Megan asking if he wanted to hang out,” she said.

“It was about the time I would sleep but my boyfriend wouldn’t be sleeping for another 3-4 hours so he left to hang out with her and some other friends.”

“Usually he stays with me until I sleep but he left to hang out. For some reason, it really bothered me and made me even more jealous than ever before. I couldn’t sleep and my boyfriend was surprised I was still awake when he got home.”

The following morning, she made it clear to her boyfriend that she felt hurt that he ditched her to spend time with Megan, without thinking of inviting her along.

Her boyfriend said that he was sorry, but she didn’t try to tell him that he could no longer see Megan. She also didn’t confess to her boyfriend that she was incredibly jealous.

She didn’t want to dictate to her boyfriend who he could and could not hang out with.

Fast forward to now, she basically doesn’t talk to Megan. She will infrequently text her or run into her at events they have with their friends.

She no longer considers Megan to be her friend, and yet, her boyfriend keeps hanging out with Megan alone every single evening after she falls asleep.

Yakobchuk Olena – stock.adobe.com

She’s still struggling with being jealous of Megan, but she’s not sure if she’s allowed to feel like this since she doesn’t believe her boyfriend is cheating on her.

She’s also wondering if it’s time to tell her boyfriend about her jealousy.

It certainly seems like she’s his rebound girl and it’s definitely weird that he’s in love with Megan and spending time with Megan alone.

Do you think it’s wrong of her boyfriend to keep hanging out with Megan after she goes to sleep every night?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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