She Offered To Pay For Part Of Her Sister’s Dream Wedding, But Now That Her Husband Has Been Cut Out Of The Wedding Party She’s Refusing To Pay

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Denys -

A 28-year-old woman has a 23-year-old sister who is having her wedding this upcoming December.

Sadly, their dad passed last year, and her baby sister was the closest one to their dad. Her sister is crushed that their dad can’t be a part of her wedding.

Now, she did get to have their dad walk her down the aisle and participate in a daughter dad dance when she got married.

Her sister won’t get to have that, and so to try to make her sister feel better, she and her other older sisters are paying for her to have her dream wedding.

She makes really good money, as do her other sisters, so they decided to let their baby sister have no budget for the wedding or the dress.

“Ever since the beginning my sister was bridezilla-ish but we tried to justify it with dad not being around and mom being kind of a mess,” she explained.

Her sister’s groom does have his mom and dad, who are going to play big roles in the wedding, while their own mom is left alone and feeling badly.

She’s tried her best to be accommodating of her baby sister and the demands she has, but everything is getting pretty crazy.

On top of that, this upcoming wedding is a bit complicated because her own husband does not speak to her baby sister’s groom/her future brother-in-law.

Denys –

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Her husband previously dated her sister’s groom’s aunt, and even though that happened a decade ago, the situation went south.

This aunt accused her husband of “breaking her heart” and basically hates him to this day.

So, regardless of this sticky situation, she and her husband were supposed to be in the wedding party.

She was going to be a bridesmaid since her sister’s best friend is the maid of honor, and her husband was going to be a groomsman since her sister’s groom doesn’t have many living family members.

“…We were excited for the wedding and we were feeling pretty proud of it because taking out the bad moments, our sis looked happy,” she said.

“But at New Year’s she informed me that she would rather not have my husband (who’s also chipping for the wedding) from the whole wedding (to clarify) ‘he’ll make my BIL’s family uncomfortable.'”

“I thought that was BS until my mom sided with them, they said that my BIL’s aunt is one of the few family members he has left, and hence, her presence was more important and we might cause a scene.”

She doesn’t care about this aunt at all, and she was furious that her sister would prioritize this family member above her and her husband.

“So told her that if my husband was removed then my part of the wedding was too and she freaked out because I’m giving, at least, 25% of all cost plus the dress,” she continued.

“She and my mom came at me because ”that was her day and I just had to go with it”, I gave them 2 weeks to think about it (either suck it up or plan something so my husband and her don’t interact, I never EVER suggest them to uninvite her) before pulling my money out of the table but my mom, sister, and BIL insist that I’m in the wrong.”

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The rest of her siblings agree with her, but she’s still wondering if there’s a slim chance she’s somehow in the wrong.

What do you think? You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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