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Her Mom Refused To Give Her More Than $74 For Prom, So She Got Into An Argument With Her Since That Won’t Even Cover The Cost Of Her Dress

She would ask her dad for help, but he does not have a lot of money at all and can’t give her more than around $60.

In comparison, she believes that her mom could give her as much as $249 or even more, and that would not impact her mom financially in the least.

As for how her mom decided on giving her $74 for prom? Her mom says that is the amount that all of her friends have paid for the prom dresses that their children bought.

She mentioned that her mom does have a hard time making opinions of her own, and she’s upset that her mom simply took the words of her friends without being able to have a discussion with her about the money she would like for prom.

She’s left wondering if she really is entitled for wanting her mom to give her more money for prom, considering the money her mom wants to give her won’t even pay for the prom dress she wants.

Do you think she’s being spoiled, or is she being the reasonable one?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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