He Didn’t Allow His Girlfriend To Get More Chips And Salsa When They Went Out To Eat Because He Didn’t Want To Spend The Extra $5

Joshua Resnick - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Joshua Resnick - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 28-year-old guy has a 25-year-old girlfriend, and he took her to one of her favorite restaurants to celebrate her birthday recently.

This place happens to be a Mexican food place, and he told his girlfriend that he would be happy to pay for everything to “treat” her that evening.

Right before he agreed to take his girlfriend out, though, he got some concerning news from his Home Owner’s Association.

He owns a townhouse, and he was informed that his deck was violating one of the rules of the HOA.

A letter from the HOA stated that 3 boards on his deck needed to be taken off and replaced, along with the whole staircase leading up to his deck.

He was given 2 months to make the changes, or his other option is to get a contract from a contractor that says he intends to comply with the changes the HOA wants him to make.

“If I don’t, I’m going to be subject to penalties,” he explained. “I haven’t had a great year financially, and so this is stressing me out.”

“However, I wanted to treat my girlfriend. So, we arrived at the restaurant. I ordered a Pacifico, she ordered a margarita, and then we both placed our orders for our entrées when our drinks arrived along with an order of chips and salsa.”

They did eat all of their chips and salsa, and their meals still had not gotten to their tables.

Joshua Resnick – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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He and his girlfriend were still pretty much starving by the time they finished up the salsa and chips, and his girlfriend mentioned wanting to get another order of the chips to tide them over.

As his girlfriend was trying to get their waiter’s attention so she could get that second order of chips, he stopped her.

“I had noticed when I read the menu that extra chips and salsa would cost $5, and I didn’t want to pay it,” he said.

“She responded, “Seriously? You’re treating me to dinner at my favorite restaurant for my birthday, but you’re going to cheap out on chips and salsa? If I want a second margarita, are you going to tell me ‘no’?” I told her that I had factored in extra money for drinks but that I wasn’t paying extra so that we could gorge ourselves on chips and salsa because it wasn’t worth it.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to tell his girlfriend that she couldn’t order more chips and salsa since it cost another $5.

Do you think he should have let her order them?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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