She Found Out That Her Husband Has Been Writing Letters To Another Woman, So She Decided To Meet Up With Her To Find Out What Her Husband Was Saying - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Are platonic pen pals acceptable in a relationship? Should our significant others allows us to pass notes with strangers where we carry-on deep conversations with someone from the opposite gender?

While picking up dirty laundry throughout the house, a 35-year-old woman and wife found a black and white notebook folded up in her husband’s hoodie.

Normally, she wouldn’t think twice. However, lately, her husband has been detaching himself emotionally, causing her to feel as though he has been unfaithful.

“He was still acting strangely,” she explained. “I began thinking he was being unfaithful. But I couldn’t find any proof. I started to feel crazy.”

“Nothing weird on his cell phone, nothing strange on the phone bill, he always seemed to go where he said he was going.”

As she opened the notebook, she was stunned to find a handful of letters written between her husband and another woman. The letters were primarily platonic, in-depth conversations.

To her surprise, confronting her husband was easy. He was an open book who didn’t think he was crossing any boundaries.

She proceeded to ask how the relationship started, to which her husband explained how he met this other woman in a deli, found out they went to the same high school, and as they continued to talk, she said she had more to say.

This is where the notebook came into play. – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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As it turns out, the husband and the other anonymous woman have written three full journals full of letters.

Feeling weird, the wife expresses her concerns about the relationship between the two and offers for her husband to write to her instead.

However, he doesn’t want to end his platonic relationship with this strange woman. So he offers to write to them both.

The wife then disagrees and asks how he would feel if roles were reversed. The husband claims he wouldn’t mind if she had a platonic pen pal.

“He said they don’t text or secretly hang out,” she continued.

“They just write letters back and forth. He said he puts the notebook in her mailbox, or sometimes they’ll switch it out at the deli. It all seems so bizarre to me.”

Thankfully, the wife was able to update us as the story left us all wondering what happened next.

While sifting through the letters, the wife noticed a common trait.

The husband would always talk about the children and never discuss his marriage.

She was able to meet up with the woman her husband had been writing to, and to her surprise, her spouse was giving his pen pal the impression that the two of them were separated, still living together, and co-parenting their children.

She also stated if she knew the truth behind his double life, she would have never allowed him to write to her.

Should she allow her husband to maintain a platonic relationship with his pen pal, or is he bound to have an emotional affair?

To read the original Reddit post, click here.

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