
Grab Your Hair Dye And iPod Shuffle, Because Emo Brunch Is Here To Revive The 2005 Punk Scene In Major Cities Nationwide

TenWit - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Imagine it is 2004 again, and you just got back from Hot Topic. You log onto MySpace with jet black hair and eyeliner to match while bumping classic punk bands like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At The Disco.

Do you ever wish you could turn back the time to when “emo” was mainstream? If so, you’re in luck.

The events company Bucket Listers is now offering Emo Brunch in numerous major cities across the country.

What exactly is “emo brunch,” you might ask? Well, it is an immersive dining experience intended to bring the ultimate 2005 punk scene back to life.

But, unlike pre-Warped Tour breakfasts that may have consisted of Pop Tarts or Goldfish, “scene queens” and “punk rock princesses” will be able to feast upon tons of iconic emo-inspired treats.

If you are a lover of all things breakfast, you might enjoy the Pancakes! At The Disco, the Ocean Ave Overnight Oats, or the Jimmy Eat French Toast.

Or, if you are more of a lunch connoisseur, you might choose to try the Fall Out Boy Burger or the You’re So Last Summer Sweet & Spicy Jidori Fried Chicken Sandwich.

And no brunch is ever complete without some solid alcoholic beverages. For the event’s drink offerings, the Bucket Listers described a cocktail menu that flawlessly combines the energies of “Rawr Means ‘I Love You’ In Dinosaur” and “Rosé All Day.”

Plus, the drinks also have perfectly punny names to match– including Drink-182 and Coffee & Cambria.

TenWit – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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