He’s Thinking It Might Be Time To Divorce His Wife, Since He No Longer Likes Being A Stepdad To Her Kids And He Financially Supports All Of Them

gzorgz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
gzorgz - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 35-year-old guy is currently married to his wife, who is 42, and he has been for 3 years. His wife has three children from her first marriage, and they are all boys, ages 9, 13, and 16.

He does think the kids are good, and they listen well. They also get good grades, and he does catch himself being proud of them quite a lot.

He has always wanted kids of his own, and even though he and his wife have tried, it has been without success.

Eventually, his wife said that she was happy not to have any more kids, but that doesn’t work for him at all.

He wants to know what it’s like to get to be a dad to children of his own, and to be honest; he’s growing tired of being a stepdad to his wife’s kids.

His wife’s kids adore their own dad, and he is very much so in their lives, despite the fact that he was the reason why that marriage came to an end.

His wife’s ex cheated on her with one of his coworkers, and that’s who his wife’s ex is currently with.

His wife never let her kids know the reason why she split up with their dad, and she wants them all to get along.

Now, he does entirely pay for his wife and for his wife’s kids. He makes a bit under 6 figures annually, while his wife brings home $30,000.

gzorgz – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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They also all live in a 4 bedroom house that he bought prior to marrying his wife.

“Financially, I support the kids and provide everything you can think of; I mean everything,” he explained.

“Newest gaming consoles, best schools, newest phones. Multiple family trips a year. I cover all those expenses 100%. Their father brags constantly about how lucky he got it with me, since financially, I cover a ton of their expenses and do a ton for them. Sometimes that makes me feel like a sucker; here I am, working like crazy. Yet he reaps the rewards because I financially take care of his children.”

“Here’s where this hurts, and it’s going to sound absolutely evil. If her kids weren’t here, I would never even slightly consider divorce.”

He loves his wife very much, and she means everything to him. He knows that if he does follow through with divorcing her, it will destroy her life and that of her kids, especially since she can’t afford to support herself and all 3 of them.

He can’t help but think that if they did try for a baby together, it would make him feel like he could work through everything with her, but she is adamant that they do not have a baby.

“Look, I know I’m not perfect; I’m not,” he said. “I do know I have some sense of jealousy raging inside of me. I just want to be appreciated for the things I do. Do kids eventually be grateful? Part of me just wants to hit reset, start with another woman and build my own family. The cost of that selfishness cost my wife a lot, and honestly, I really don’t want to do that.”

If having a child of his own is so important to him, do you think he should find someone willing to experience that with him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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