
Married People Share What Everyone Needs To Know Before Tying The Knot

Apologies Make Marriages Go ‘Round

“A gracious, heartfelt apology goes a long way.”


“Adding onto this– make sure to be accepting of heartfelt apologies as well. Grudges are never good in relationships.”

“Learn to forgive your partner, especially when they have gone to the effort of apologizing and trying to be better.”


“Just apologize, even when you are mad. Sometimes we are feeling extra tired, and everything our partner does is irritating us. This does not mean we have a bad partner. It means we need to communicate our needs.”


Having Common Values Is More Important Than Common Interests

“This is so important. I spent so long looking for an opposite-gender version of myself because I thought that’s what I wanted.”

“But, my spouse and I are very different people that complement each other. And our relationship is built on common goals and values.”

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