
She Doesn’t Want Her 10-Year-Old Niece To Perform At Her Wedding Because She’s Really Not That Talented

FitzelPhoto - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Having little kids in the family can be great. They’re cute, they’re fun, and sometimes it’s nice not to have to spend so much time with other adults. However, little kids do tend to take up all of the attention at family events.

One bride does not want to have her young niece put on a performance at her wedding, and after hearing her story, we can kind of understand why!

The bride-to-be is a 30-year-old woman getting married next year. One of her nieces is a 10-year-old girl who loves theater and performing.

She often puts on little shows for their family, and every family function is bound to include a special showcase from the little one.

Her niece will usually sing a song, do a dance, or sometimes both! She’ll even bring out costumes every once and a while.

Usually, the whole family doesn’t mind taking the time to watch her niece perform. She says it’s fun to watch her do something she loves. However, now her niece wants to perform at the wedding.

As cute as it sounds, she thinks it’s going to be a bit of a mess. Her niece’s performances can run anywhere from 15-40 minutes.

She also says that although her niece has a lot of potential, she’s not the most talented 10-year-old on the planet.

“I’m not really looking for her [niece] to put on a show at the wedding,” she says.

FitzelPhoto – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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