
She Let A Guy Know She Really Wasn’t Seeing Things Going Anywhere With Him, And What He Did To Her A Year Later Was So Unbelievably Rude

About one year later, Roxy was at a local bar with some of her friends. She was sitting on a bench and talking with a friend who happens to be a guy. Suddenly, she sees the guy that she had gone on those two dates with walking towards her.

“It took me a minute to even place who he was,” says Roxy. She was definitely in shock. What this guy did next is crazy!

Once he got to Roxy at the bar, he turned his back to her, lifted his leg, and let out a loud fart right onto her. Roxy claims the fart was so loud that it made everyone in the bar turn to look toward them.

He then yelled an obscenity at her and walked out of the bar. Can you believe that?

“And that’s how you know you made the right choice,” a TikTok user commented on Roxy’s video.

To view the original TikTok video, visit the link here.

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