
After He And His Wife Ended Up Homeless And Moved In With His Friend, His Wife Had The Audacity To Ask His Friend To Remove A Photo In The House That Made Her Uncomfortable

Anthony then said he couldn’t understand why Dahlia had such an issue with the photo because it was of just him and his wife kissing at their wedding; it was not inappropriate by any means.

Well, he then got into a fight with Anthony over the photo, and he kept pushing Anthony to be “more considerate” of Dahlia. He wanted Anthony to take the photo down or move it to a place where Dahlia would not see it, but Anthony said no way.

“I explained how Dahlia was feeling, but he said that again; he was sorry but would not move the picture,” he said. “We argued some more, and he said that it’s his house and that I was being pushy and kind of too comfortable to make such “demand” and be pushy still.”

“This morning, Dahlia refused to even come out of the room until the picture is moved. Anthony is refusing, which makes it worse. Now I feel like I’m getting stuck between a rock and a hard place. Yes, she might just be overreacting, but I feel like this isn’t such a big ask for Anthony to decline and turn down.”

He believes that if he was Anthony, he would happily take the photo down to make sure his guests felt ok.

Do you think it’s unreasonable of him to take Dahlia’s side and demand that Anthony take down the wedding photo of him kissing his wife?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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