
Ever Since Getting A Puppy With Her Boyfriend, Her Relationship Has Been Falling Apart, But She Is Not Sure If It Is Really Because Of The Puppy Or Something Else

On top of that, just a few days ago, her boyfriend even said that he needed “a break from everything” before suggesting that perhaps they just needed to break up altogether. And she honestly could not believe it.

“It makes me so frustrated to hear that since I am doing so much work so that we will have his life as close to it was before the puppy. And the only thing he does is complain about what I could not resolve rather than see how much things have improved,” she vented.

She is also feeling totally confused about her boyfriend’s “break” suggestion since whenever they are not fighting, he claims that the puppy is the cutest and most well-behaved pet ever.

Then, whenever they get into a tiff, her boyfriend says he regrets ever getting the dog in the first place.

So, she honestly thinks that perhaps her boyfriend is projecting his own feelings onto their pet, and it is ruining their relationship.

And now, she has been left wondering if their relationship is really falling apart because of the puppy or if it was already coming to an end beforehand, and the new pet just exacerbated that realization.

Why do you think her boyfriend was on board with getting the puppy to begin with? Is it common sense how much work raising a puppy is or not? Do you think her relationship is failing because of the puppy, or is the new pet just a contributing factor that sped up the inevitable? Do you believe there is any way she could reconcile the relationship or not? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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