
Her Daughter Chose Not To Invite Her Step-Cousin To A Christmas Party, And Now Her Sister-In-Law Is Accusing Her Of Teaching Her Daughter To Be A Bully

Then, the conversation did end there, thankfully. But, the drama was still far from over– because just a few days later, she received another phone call.

And that day, her sister-in-law claimed that Georiga had found out about the party. Moreover, she was told that Mia was now obligated to invite Georgia.

Quite frankly, though, that really infuriated her– because she knew that the only person who could have possibly told Georgia about the party was either her brother or her sister-in-law.

So, she pointed that out, said she was not going to fall for their “poorly contrived way to force an invite,” and told her sister-in-law that Georgia still would not be receiving an invitation.

Still, this only fueled the fire. Her sister-in-law then became furious and claimed that she was actually teaching her daughter to be a bully– just like her!

On top of that, she was told that neither her sister-in-law nor her brother would be going to her adult party or  the family Christmas party anymore because they did not want Georgia to spend time around “people who exclude her.”

Now, she honestly thought that her sister-in-law was just bluffing about the family Christmas celebration part, and she figured that her brother and sister-in-law would just get over it by then.

Recently, though, she learned from her mom that her brother is still trying to convince his wife to attend– because, apparently, she made Georgia “not feel like a part of the family.”

According to her, though, that accusation is utterly ridiculous.

“To me, this has nothing to do with whether Georgia is family. She is not Mia’s friend, and Mia does not want her there. End of story,” she vented.

With the family Christmas celebration now being threatened, though, the stakes have changed. So, her mom has actually urged her to consider relenting and letting Georgia go anyway.

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