
Her Sister-In-Law Lives Beyond Her Means Yet Claimed She Could Not Pitch In For Her In-Law’s Christmas Present This Year, So She Told Her Sister-In-Law To Scale Back On Eating Sushi And Chip In Or Else She Would Not Be Included On The Gift Label

First, her sister-in-law just “liked” the text message but never actually responded or sent any money for the gifts.

So, after a while, she and her husband decided to text her sister-in-law again to ask if she could even chip in just fifty or twenty dollars toward the presents.

Her sister-in-law did text back that time, but she was completely shocked by the response.

Apparently, her sister-in-law claimed that her “finances were tight right now” before going on to thank them for covering her part.

Now, she admits that her husband is an extremely kind man– who also tends to be a bit of a pushover.

So, he ended up telling his sister that it was fine and that they could just cover her sister-in-law’s portion of the payment.

She, on the other hand, is much less chill– especially when it comes to money. In turn, she ended up texting her sister-in-law and calling her out for her mismanaged priorities.

More specifically, she asked her sister-in-law to consider “skipping a sushi dinner or two” and Venmo them the gift money. Or else, she claimed that the Christmas presents would only be labeled as from her and her husband.

“I know for a fact she gets sushi at least once a week from social media,” she vented, hence the sushi comment.

Anyway, now her sister-in-law is beyond mad at her and has begun claiming that she does not respect her sister-in-law’s job or life.

Thankfully, though, her husband has actually taken her side and believes that his sister’s willingness to pay for sushi every week instead of chipping in for a gift for their parents is just downright disrespectful.

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