
His Fiancée Left Him At The Altar, But Now She Wants Him To Take Her Back, And He Has No Idea What To Do 

In turn, he has been left wondering if he can– and should– forgive his girlfriend and get married. Plus, he is worried that if he does take her back, she might just abandon him again in the future.

“What if she does this again and runs at some other important event as she did on the most important day of my life?”

Do you think his girlfriend’s tendency to run was already a red flag? Do you believe it’s his fault for shrugging off his girlfriend’s concerns over the past few months, or should she have just been more upfront about her worries? Is this relationship salvageable right now, or should they take time apart to work on their issues? Would you ever be able to trust your partner again if they left you at the altar? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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