
His Mom Didn’t Include His Girlfriend And Two Children In A Christmas Snow Globe Tradition, So He Ended Up Calling His Mom Out

Konstantin Yuganov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual kids

This twenty-three-year-old man has been dating his girlfriend Ellie, who is thirty-one, for nearly a year.

And since starting their relationship, he has not only gotten to know Ellie better but also her two children– a six-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. So now, they all get along really well.

With the holidays in full swing, though, there has been no shortage of family drama– specifically involving his family.

Apparently, he has a massive family, which makes it basically impossible to host just one Christmas event that everyone can attend.

So typically, his parents will host their holiday party about one week before December 25.

During that celebration, he also always participates in his mom’s tradition– in which she gives each of the “kids” some mini snow globes.

Anyway, his parent’s Christmas shindig ended up being last Saturday. And, like his mom always does, she pulled him and his siblings aside to hand over the annual trinkets.

But, his mom usually includes the partners of him and his siblings in the tradition as well. So, naturally, he figured that Ellie and her two children would get to join and receive their own snowglobes.

If you could not have guessed it, though, that was not what happened.

Konstantin Yuganov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual kids

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