
She Brought Cupcakes To The Dog Park But She Refused To Share Them With One Guy And His Children

morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Believe it or not, dog park etiquette is a real thing. Certain rules should be followed, and common sense is always necessary when you’re at a dog park to make sure no humans or dogs are hurt.

A young woman recently vented about a man and his kids who seem to know nothing about how to behave around dogs in a dog park.

This woman has three dogs with sensitive stomachs, and two of the three have actual food allergies.

She is a regular at her local dog park, where they follow a fairly standard “community rule” of not feeding another person’s dog any treats without permission from the owner.

Everyone at the park has been fine with following this rule except for one man and his two kids.

The man allows his kids to consistently feed the dogs food without asking their owners for permission.

What’s worse is that most of the food isn’t even for dogs. The woman describes it as “cooked leftovers his kids eat and give to the dogs when they are full.”

One day, the man had brought his kids to the park to feed some ducks. A sign in the park was hanging up advising visitors not to feed ducks bread as it can give them stomach issues, but the man totally ignored the sign and started feeding them from an entire loaf of bread.

Then, his young daughter started feeding dogs in the park slices of bread, including this young woman’s.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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