
She Kicked Out Her Family On Christmas Day Because They Made Horrible Comments About Her Daughter, Who Has ASD

adrianad - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This forty-eight-year-old woman and her husband, who is forty-eight, currently have two children together– a son named Randy, who is twenty-two, and a daughter named Eve, who is nineteen.

Back in elementary school, though, Eve was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). So, her daughter currently attends school online and can complete some basic tasks without assistance.

For the most part, though, she and her husband have to do most of the heavy lifting– including cooking, driving, and more.

“Eve recently started doing her own laundry, which we are very proud of her for. But it took like four years of learning and encouragement,” she explained.

“We love her and know that we will have to care for her.”

Anyway, one of her daughter’s major interests just so happens to be toys. Eve specifically loves dolls and tiny interactive animal toys. So, her daughter was super excited about Christmas.

This year, her family hosted a holiday celebration on the day of– which included her parents, her two sisters and their husbands, her fifteen-year-old niece, and her aunt and uncle.

And upon opening the gifts, both of her kids were ecstatic. Her son Randy received some games he had been wanting, as well as a new laptop to use for his classes next semester.

Eve was also beyond happy with her mix of gifts. Her daughter received some pajamas, dolls, a small dollhouse, and a few stuffed animals. Plus, Eve’s “big gift” was an interactive horse toy to care for, braid its hair, and more.

adrianad – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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