
She Told Her Sister Not To Blow All Of Her Inheritance On Traveling The World After High School Without Getting An Education, So Now That Her Sister Is Without A Job And Running Out Of Money, She Does Not Really Have Any Sympathy 

All of a sudden, her sister realized that this was the end of her primary form of income and sustenance. Sure, there are enough funds to get her back in Indonesia. But afterward, her sister will have to face reality: there is no more money coming.

So, recently, her sister asked her to go get coffee. And during that cafe date, her sister began crying about her current situation.

Apparently, her sister revealed how she might have to use the remainder of the money to pay for an apartment. Then, her sister will have to figure out what to do with her life.

Primarily, her sister would love to teach English as a second language in Asia. Still, though, without a certification, her sister will get paid next to nothing. In other words, her sister would need a proper college degree in order to land a sustainable position.

And after her sister explained all of this, it apparently became clear that she was thinking, “I told you so” in her head. Now, she did not say that outright, but her sister obviously could guess that.

So, since then, she has been accused of being a total jerk for judging her sister’s choices and not supporting her sister’s lifestyle.

To be honest, though, she does not regret missing out on world traveling to start a life with a good financial foundation.

And since she tried to tell her sister this, she really does not sympathize with her sister’s situation anymore. Instead, she believes her sister created these problems herself.

“I wish I had traveled more when I was younger, but I got an education, and so did our brothers,” she vented.

“My sister chose to use her money that way.”

So, even though she does feel bad for her sister, she does remember telling her that blowing all of the money on traveling was not a wise decision.

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