A Guy She Met On A Dating App Asked Her Out On A Second Date, But Made Her Pay For Everything, Leaving Her In Tears

Vasyl - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Vasyl - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 24-year-old woman met a 27-year-old guy on a dating app, and they decided to take things off the app and start texting one another.

When they moved their conversation over to text, she thought he seemed great. So, when he asked her to grab food with him for a first date, she agreed.

After she said yes to their first date, he wanted to know if she expected a guy to always pay on a date.

She honestly does expect a guy to pay since she knows her “worth.” She brushed off his text and chose not to reply to him while moving on and checking out other guys on the dating app.

This guy managed to find her social media profile and reached out to her there, asking if he really could take her for dinner one night soon.

She again said yes to him, and off they went for date number one. She thought the date went just alright, and this guy bemoaned the menu pricing while they were out together.

At the end of the evening, she did kiss him, although things weren’t that special, and he immediately asked if he could take her out for a second date.

She was up for date two and mentioned a restaurant located near her place, as she doesn’t have a car, so she can’t drive to meet him.

“Again, I spent hours getting ready, blew off a project I was doing for work, bought a new dress, and put on uncomfortable heels,” she explained.

Vasyl – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“When the check came, he slid it over to me and demanded that I pay. His awful excuse was that I should pay because of “equality” (his excuse to be cheap).”

“I started crying just because I really WANT a gentleman who will treat me the first few times and be chivalrous.”

“The guy got really uncomfortable, and he threatened to walk out and leave, and then started talking about how he had lots of other girls that “wanted him.”

He relented as she sat there in tears, insisting they could go half and half on the bill, though after those words were out of his mouth, the waitress arrived back at their table with the paid bill.

The waitress had already charged her card for $95, and when this guy saw the receipt, he looked really “smug” to her.

This guy then refused to leave a tip for their waitress and didn’t try reimbursing her.

“I was absolutely disgusted and repulsed, as this guy NEVER indicated to me before the date that it would be on me or he would split it, I thought that he genuinely liked me and would be happy to pay for the first few dates,” she said.

“In hindsight, I feel like an IDIOT as the text about whether I expected the man to pay and him complaining about prices on the first date was a red flag. What can I do to make sure this doesn’t happen again?”

“I was going to ask him beforehand and confirm he was paying, but my mom said that would be rude.”

She’s left feeling extremely upset that this guy was the one who asked her out on a second date and never made it clear to her that he wanted her to pay for their night out.

“This guy ALSO had the audacity to text me a week later and say he was “sad” to say goodbye and that he wishes we could have kissed and he didn’t see him not paying as undervaluing me at all,” she continued.

Date two left such a bad taste in her mouth that she’s resolved never to see this guy again or go on another date with him.

“All other girls I know have their BFs happily buy stuff for them, I don’t get why I don’t deserve a generous guy, too,” she added before saying, “Well, I think any girl would be upset, no? I spent a lot of time and energy getting ready, I thought he liked me and was taking me out again.”

“Then it turns out I got all dressed up, did my hair, nails, put on uncomfortable shoes just to end up with some jerk who doesn’t value me enough to pay for my meal.”

“Plus, there was also the fact that there were lots of other people on dates at the restaurant, and I saw other men happily taking out their wallets for their dates. Meanwhile, I was stuck with this guy who was bullying me and even threatening to leave if I didn’t stop crying.”

Do you think this guy should have paid for her, considering he was the one who asked her on the date and not the other way around?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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