He Won’t Give His Daughter Any Money From Her Education Fund Even Though He Did Not Help Her With Any College Expenses But Helped Out His Son

Ulia Koltyrina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Ulia Koltyrina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 54-year-old man and his wife, who is 52, have two children– a 23-year-old daughter and a 21-year-old son. And when their kids were very young, his parents generously decided to set up education funds for both of his children.

Now, he and his wife had always expected their children to attend both college and graduate school– just like they did. He has a Ph.D., and his wife has a Master’s degree.

And because of that goal for their children, they ultimately decided not to use the education funds for their kids’ undergraduate degree tuition. Moreover, they actually never told the children about the money at all.

While his son was always more of a “STEM guy,” though, his daughter has always been much more interested in liberal arts. So, both he and his wife have worried about her ability to find a job in the future.

Regardless of their concerns, though, his daughter ultimately insisted on studying both film and music in college.

She was accepted into some of the top schools in the country and opted to attend an expensive one, according to him.

His daughter was awarded numerous scholarships that covered nearly all of her tuition, though. So, all other expenses– including her housing costs– were his daughter’s responsibilities.

She ended up living in a very small apartment that she shared with friends, which was located in a “not-so-nice” area pretty far from campus. Nonetheless, he claims that his daughter was fine with it, and it taught her how to budget effectively.

Then, after his daughter graduated, she “luckily” found a job that she really enjoyed– despite the low salary. She has also since “scrapped” the idea of ever going to graduate school.

Ulia Koltyrina – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

His son, on the other hand, took a different path and ended up pursuing engineering. Just like his daughter, though, his son also expressed no interest in ever attending graduate school.

So, he and his wife were frankly quite disappointed. Nonetheless, they accepted this reality since their son is already set up with a very good job for when he completes school.

“And since he did not receive as many scholarships as his sister, we decided to use his education fund to cover his tuition and living expenses,” he revealed.

This meant that his son was able to get a very large and nice apartment very close to school– which he claims was important since his son’s classes are “so demanding” and require that he has a comfortable space to work.

Understandably, though, his daughter was really confused after seeing her brother’s living situation. Moreover, she asked how his son was able to afford that, and his son revealed that they each had an education fund.

So, his daughter ended up calling him and his wife and asking why she never had a fund. And at that point, they revealed that she did but just opted not to use it because they hoped that she would attend grad school.

Now, his daughter apparently “seemed” hurt by that and asked if there was any way he and his wife would give her the money now.

“But we explained that there would be a fee to simply withdraw the money for non-education uses,” he said.

“And if we chose to do that, it would belong to her grandparents so they could put it towards their own use.”

Anyway, ever since finding that out, his daughter has reportedly been “quiet” and “short” when answering texts. Moreover, she has not really answered any calls from him or his wife.

He claims to know that the situation appears unfair to his daughter, too. However, he believes that the fund was never really her money in the first place. Plus, he pointed out how his daughter is no longer in college, and his son only received money for educational purposes.

“It wouldn’t be right for her to just have it to spend now,” he vented.

Nonetheless, with his daughter refusing to speak to him, he has still been left wondering if refusing to hand over her education fund makes him a real jerk or not.

Does it seem like his daughter was punished for receiving scholarships and being forced to live in a much worse apartment and area than her brother? Is it understandable why she was upset after finding out about the education fund? Why do you think he and his wife are so hesitant to give her financial help? If you were in his shoes, what would you do? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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