
He Kicked Out His Sister-In-Law After Finding Out She Had Been Trying To Take Money From His Three Children 

Anyway, following that conversation, he figured that his sister-in-law had just dropped the topic. More recently, though, he realized that was far from the case.

It all began a few nights ago after his youngest son approached him. At that point, he learned that his sister-in-law had demanded forty dollars from his youngest son.

Now, his son reportedly said no and refused to hand over the money. Rather than accepting that, though, his sister-in-law actually freaked out.

Apparently, she began screaming at his son– calling him an ungrateful brat– and even tried to grab his son’s wallet to take the money. So, as you can imagine, he was appalled.

He also decided to check with his other two children to see if their aunt had done the same thing to them, and he was upset to learn that she had.

In fact, his sister-in-law had asked his daughter for fifty dollars a couple of weeks ago. Plus, his sister-in-law asked his other son a few times, too, but his son always “shut her down immediately” and said that he was saving up for a car.

This pushed him to confront his sister-in-law immediately. And honestly, he was not playing around.

He told his sister-in-law to pack up her stuff and get out of his house. He also claimed that she was no longer allowed over if she thought it was okay to steal money from his kids, yell at them, or call them mean names.

But surprisingly, even though his wife is also angry about what her sister has been doing, she believes that he could have gone about handling the situation in a different way.

Plus, his in-laws have a similar perspective and have accused him of being a jerk for kicking his sister-in-law out and refusing to allow her over anymore.

“They also said that my children should have just given her the money because ‘family helps family,'” he vented.

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