Her Boyfriend Dumped Her After Falling For Her Best Friend Whom He Barely Knew, And Although Her Best Friend Swore She Didn’t Have Feelings For Him, She Went Back On What She Said And Began Secretly Seeing Him

Look! - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Look! - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

A 27-year-old girl met her most recent 30-year-old boyfriend last summer after they realized they both shared a passion for martial arts.

She felt an instant connection with her boyfriend, though they started out as friends and things evolved from there.

She ended up falling for him in a romantic way, and after she let him know, he mentioned he figured that a relationship could be good for them.

So, they began dating from there, and things were great. She thought it was easy to talk to her boyfriend, and if they did have a problem, it was resolved seamlessly with communication.

“Then, in December (we weren’t together for that long, almost two months), he broke up with me because he developed feelings for my best friend, with whom he had barely interacted with at that point,” she explained.

“After some talking we decided to stay friends, which involved us continuing to hold hands and kiss. He and my best friend agreed after talking to each other that she had no feelings for him (she assured me this several times) and that they wouldn’t continue to talk to each other out of consideration for me.”

“After a week, she confessed to me that she is super confused about her feelings and is now doubting that there were feelings like she thought. I tried to help her through this emotionally. It hurt to have to do that. A day before Christmas, she messaged asking if I were okay with her meeting up with him to have that final closure for her. I told her in no uncertain terms that I wouldn’t feel comfortable with it.”

Well, she then found out from her best friend that she had secretly met up with her now ex-boyfriend. Not only that, her best friend is currently seeing her ex on top of that because her best friend and her ex do share the same feelings for one another.

She decided to call her ex to confirm what her best friend was saying, and he admitted that he wished he had met her friend instead of her in the first place.

Look! – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She is aware that she has zero chance of ever getting back together with her ex and that she never dated him for a long time, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

Her ex and her best friend both want to remain friends with her, but she’s so furious with the two of them that she has no interest in ever resuming a friendship with either of them.

“Am I being overdramatic?” she wondered. “I do not know how to proceed right now. I want to go nuclear, as in no contact, I want to cry and then rage…”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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