
Her Fiancé Gave His Porsche And Beautiful City Apartment To His Ex-Wife, But She Wants Him To Take It Back

In contrast, her fiancé’s ex is single and also has a great job, so she can afford to have to support herself, and she doesn’t think this woman should be her fiancé’s problem to help support.

She has tried to discuss this with her fiancé, but every time she said something, he turned to another topic.

He did briefly say, though, that they can find another apartment when they do end up having children together.

She really got annoyed that he was being evasive and not wanting to discuss taking back his perfectly wonderful apartment and his luxury car.

And she knows that if they can get another apartment, it won’t even be close to as nice as the one his ex lives in for free.

She couldn’t wrap her head around why her fiancé would have done this in the first place, and her fiancé’s own sister couldn’t figure it out.

A week ago, she finally decided to take matters into her own hands. While she was dropping her stepdaughter off with her fiancé’s ex, she questioned her about if they could have the apartment, and it made sense as she was about to be the one marrying him.

“She was a bit flustered, so I apologized to her, but she said that I didn’t need to apologize and that I was right,” she said. “She agreed that my question was reasonable.”

“When I got home, I told my fiancé what happened. I felt that he got very angry, but he just told me that if I ever brought up this subject again, it was over between us.”

“I started crying and asked why but he didn’t elaborate. He just said that if I ever brought up the subject, it was over between us. Very cold and calm. He went out, and he came home 3 hours later. His ex apparently told him that she was fine with moving out because he told me that if she did move out, it was over between us.”

She really was puzzled by his behavior, and she wasn’t trying to be mean here. She just wanted to be able to live in a place her husband technically owns because his ex still living there is just bizarre to her.

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