
Her Friend Set Her Up With A Guy Who Ended Up Being Abusive, And Now She Is Not Sure If She Should Tell Her Friend Because Her Ex Will Likely Get Ostracized And Alienated From His Friend Group

Soon afterward, though, it became clear that her boyfriend had a large amount of PTSD from a few different life events– including his recent breakup.

So, as the months went on, their relationship went from light and happy to super intense, sniping, and mean.

Her boyfriend began to insult her family members and friends, and he even cursed her out sometimes. Then, things turned even uglier.

First, her boyfriend started to critique her in bed. Afterward, he would recall past intimate encounters with other women and even comment on other women’s bodies right in front of her.

So, her self-esteem seriously plummeted. And even though she claims to have still loved him passionately at the time, she admitted that stress was literally radiating off of her.

Plus, her relationship was not the only tumultuous part of her life at that point. At the same time, she had also been going through a chaotic situation at work– and tried to use that as a scapegoat for her anxiety.

In hindsight, though, it is clear to her that her boyfriend was making her panic.

“He had also not been monogamous in his previous long-term relationships– he had been allowed to [be intimate] outside of them– so I was terrified waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to ask me for permission to sleep with other women,” she revealed.

While all of this was going on behind closed doors, though, her friends could not have been happier that she was so into the guy. But, after a while, she stopped eating and sleeping, and her friends started to worry.

It was then that she did tell a few people about her boyfriend’s verbal criticism and gaslighting. However, she only opened up about his physical abuse to her therapist.

Apparently, her boyfriend had “bonked” her on the side of her head a few times. He also grabbed her jaw and shook her head once.

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