Her Parents Are Helping Her Buy A Townhome, So They Are Allowing Her Brother And His Girlfriend To Move In Also, But Now The Girlfriend Also Wants To Bring Their Cat, And She’s Refusing

Valeri Luzina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat
Valeri Luzina - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

This young woman is about to accomplish an impressive milestone– she is buying her first-ever townhome. And, of course, she is beyond excited.

She had been working toward this goal for a very long time, and now, it is finally coming to fruition. Her parents will be helping her out with a portion of the down payment, which she is extremely grateful for.

She also will not be living all alone in the townhome. Instead, both her mother and brother were planning to move in with her. That way, everyone can split the bills three ways and save a bit on expenses.

Just recently, though, her brother ended up getting back together with his girlfriend. So now, the couple, as well as their 1-year-old daughter– who is her niece– will be moving into the townhome, too.

She did not ever agree to that, either. Instead, her mom actually had the final say.

“My mom said that because she was helping with the down payment, she got a say in some things,” she revealed.

So, she was forced to come to terms with the new living arrangement– despite the fact that she is not a huge fan of children.

There is one even larger issue that she is more upset about, too. Apparently, her brother’s girlfriend has a cat, but she does not want a cat in her new home under any circumstances for a few key reasons.

First of all, and perhaps most importantly, she is severely allergic to cats. So, even though her brother’s girlfriend offered to shave the feline, she pointed out how she is not just allergic to cat fur.

Valeri Luzina – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

Second, she already has a dog that will absolutely freak out if it even smells a cat, let alone see the animal. She also knows that cats pee on things, and she does not want the cat to ruin her new carpet. Plus, in a similar vein, she just cannot stand the smell of litter boxes, and she knows that if a cat lives in her townhome, she will never be able to escape the stench.

Finally, she just so happens to have another dog that is reportedly already a “terrible poop eater.” So, she does not want her pup to add eating cat poop to the list, too.

Anyway, she ended up telling all of these concerns to her brother’s girlfriend. But the girlfriend kept messaging her and begging her to let them bring the cat. After she reiterated her reasoning and said no, though, her brother’s girlfriend just blocked her.

She has also since told her family that she would actually drop the sale of the house before she opts to live with a cat. After all, her name will be the only one on the mortgage.

“And I will be responsible for all of the repairs, upgrades, etc.,” she added.

Regardless, her brother’s girlfriend has insisted that the cat is her emotional support animal. To be honest, though, she just does not care and intends to have a very strict “no cat policy” in her home.

In spite of putting her foot down, though, the drama still has not ended. So, she has been left wondering whether refusing to allow her brother’s girlfriend’s cat to live in her new townhome.

Do you think her brother’s girlfriend will be a good roommate if she ends up being blocked during the first sign of conflict? What about her mother– would you be concerned about purchasing a home if your mom had a say over certain decisions? Do you believe all of them living together will work out? How would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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