
Her Partner And His Father Are Big “Mansplainers,” So At A Family Dinner, She Started Playing Into Their Game, And It Ended In A Big Argument

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This twenty-eight-year-old woman claims that her partner, who is a thirty-year-old man, is very good at mansplaining.

Now, she admits to not really liking that term– which refers to when a man explains something, typically to a woman, in a condescending or patronizing way. Regardless of her view on the word, though, she admits that it is exactly what her partner does.

For instance, he happily explains the most basic topics in sly ways. First, her partner will sometimes start a discussion by asking if she knows about a topic.

Then, in spite of her response, he will either explain the entire subject anyway or try to challenge her knowledge by asking, “Oh, yeah? What is it then?”

So, as you can imagine, she finds this behavior utterly infuriating. She has even spoken to her partner about this numerous times, but he just claimed not to realize it whenever he does it. Her partner was also adamant that his “mansplaining” was never intended to offend her.

“He says he just feels like he needs to prove that he knows things,” she recalled.

Thankfully, though, she did reveal that her partner has been trying to watch himself more when they converse.

And as a result, he has reportedly gotten much better about it– and she really appreciates that.

The only remaining problem, however, is that her partner inherited the frustrating habit from his father. And she claims that his father not only does the exact same thing but that it is arguably even worse.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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