
She Has Never Wanted To Be A Mom, But After She Unexpectedly Got Pregnant, She Told The Father Of Their Child She Wanted Nothing To Do With Their Daughter, Yet Now He Expects Her To Help Him

gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A 31-year-old woman unexpectedly got pregnant while she was going through a tough time and was half-separated.

The thing is, she has never wanted to be a mom, so she was dead set on terminating her pregnancy, but something stopped her: the father of her child.

“I still remember he was begging me on his knees to keep this baby, crying, distraught,” she explained.

“He promised me that I wouldn’t have any responsibility over the child, that he would provide full care and all he asked was that I give him the chance to have his child.”

“It took me about a week to decide; I considered getting a lawyer, but our relationship was improving, and I trusted him.”

So, she gave birth to a little girl, and as soon as she entered the world, she instructed the nurses to let the father of her child hold the little girl.

She could see how elated the father of her child was, and she felt in her heart that she had made the right choice.

After that, they went on with their lives separately, and since she had made it clear to him that she wanted nothing to do with being a mom, she thought she wouldn’t hear from him after that.

Well, she was wrong. Three months later, the father of her child began calling her frequently to say that he could not get the baby to quit crying.

gpointstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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