His Brother’s Girlfriend Is A TikTok Influencer Who Posts Everything Online, But He Hates Being Recorded, So He Has Distanced Himself From His Brother And Is Not Sure How To Be Honest About Why

Nuestrobanco - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Nuestrobanco - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This twenty-eight-year-old man has a younger brother, who is twenty-six. And his brother just so happens to be dating a girl who he is not too fond of.

Now, he claims that his brother and the girl are apparently “in love,” and he is honestly happy for them.

However, he honestly finds his brother’s girlfriend really annoying, and he just does not like to be around her.

According to him, she is extremely loud and has a lot of energy– which he claims is not that surprising given her age. She is also twenty-six.

“And even though I don’t like it, I don’t hold that against her,” he noted.

What he does resent about his brother’s girlfriend, though, is the fact that she records everything for social media.

Apparently, she is a TikTok influencer who constantly films her everyday life to post it on the video platform.

For instance, at Thanksgiving, she reportedly whipped out her phone and started recording again. He hates being posted online, though, so he threw his hand up over his face and asked her to stop.

Rather than being respectful of his wishes, though, his brother’s girlfriend ended up posting the video anyway. Plus, she even captioned it, “my boyfriend’s older brother doesn’t like social media, LOL.”

Nuestrobanco – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Then, at Christmas, he claims that the only reason why that holiday went well was that his brother came alone.

But, even though he and his brother live only five miles apart and used to spend multiple nights a week together hanging out, they have drifted. In fact, he has not even seen his brother since Christmas.

The reason behind this, though, is that he just takes his privacy very seriously. He does not want his face online, and he is really only okay with his parents and grandparents taking photos or videos with him in it. After all, he knows that the images are just for them, and they would never show anyone.

Plus, Thanksgiving was not the first time his brother’s girlfriend disrespected his boundaries. So, he feels as though he has run out of options.

In fact, he believes that if he tells his brother’s girlfriend to stop, she will just post him online and make him look like a “crazy person.”

“And I am not going to have a nice time with my family if I am unsure whenever her phone is out, and I’m not going to tell her that she cannot bring her phone into my house or to a restaurant or wherever else because that is insane and not my place to do,” he explained.

So, the result is that he basically feels like he cannot hang out with his brother anymore. On the one hand, he does not want to go over to his brother’s house because his girlfriend is always there.

And on the other hand, he cannot invite his brother over or out to a restaurant because he would just feel really awkward telling his brother not to bring his girlfriend, who his brother lives with.

Just a couple of days ago, though, it appears that his brother had caught on to his lack of effort in their relationship. It all began after his brother texted him and asked what happened to make him so angry.

Apparently, his brother had also found out that he had thrown quite a large party for his best friend’s birthday the night before.

And, if you could not have guessed, he did not invite his brother. On top of that, his brother realized that he had been making excuses not to hang out over the last couple of months and brought it up to him.

“That almost makes me want to cry because I love my brother a lot,” he vented, “But I really don’t know what to say.”

He actually thinks it would be pointless to be honest with his brother because he knows his brother will not mess up the relationship for his sake. He does not want his brother to do that, either.

So, he believes that his brother would just have a talk with his girlfriend and also encourage him to give her a second chance. Honestly, though, he really does not want to give her any more chances.

He claims that his brother’s girlfriend’s personality just is not for him. He does not enjoy being around her and doesn’t want to waste any of his “limited amount of free time” being with people he does not enjoy.

In turn, if he talks to his brother, he feels like he can either be truthful about that– which will probably cause an argument. Or, he will feel guilty, say “okay,” and get stuck back in the same cycle as before.

So now, he has been left feeling very confused and is wondering how to deal with the situation in a way that does not hurt his brother or sacrifice his own comfort.

Is it understandable that he hates being recorded and posted online? At the same time, is it fair for him to keep his issues with his brother’s girlfriend a secret since his brother is being affected by his lack of effort in their relationship? Should he just be honest and stop overthinking the potential outcomes? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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