Her Stepdaughter Iced Her Out After Her Husband’s Ex Reentered Her Stepchildren’s Lives, So She Refused To Attend Her Stepdaughter’s Wedding, And Now Her Husband Is Furious

This fifty-year-old woman currently has two stepchildren– Sarah, who is twenty-three, and Mike, who is twenty-eight.
She first entered their lives when Sarah was two. Unfortunately, though, the kids’ mother– Kate– was a drug addict who ended up losing all parental rights by the time Sarah turned three.
So, Kate ultimately left the kids behind, and she raised Sarah and Mike with her husband, Rob.
By the time Sarah turned seventeen, though, Kate reportedly reached out to her, claimed to be clean, and asked to have a relationship with the kids.
Now, her husband was against this. She, on the other hand, thought that Kate deserved a second chance. In turn, she and Rob ended up meeting up with Kate, and they were pleasantly surprised.
“It turns out Kate had been clean for a while, going to therapy, and had a decent job,” she recalled.
Her stepchildren had differing opinions about Kate reentering their lives, though. On the one hand, her stepson Mike was completely against meeting his biological mom. In fact, Mike claims that she is his only mother and that Kate is dead to him.
Sarah, on the other hand, was more open to the idea. Her stepdaughter also grew to resent Mike for rejecting their biological mother so quickly.
Still, though, she kind of understood her stepson’s perspective and tried to explain it to Sarah. After all, Mike was older when Kate left, and he had to watch his biological mom’s addiction get worse and worse.

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So, her stepson has a very different relationship with Kate; meanwhile, Sarah only remembers her biological mom after she had gotten clean.
Regardless of her explanation, though, a lot of resentment has continued to build between her stepchildren and herself. Kate reportedly blamed her for Mike’s hostility and resentment.
“And it didn’t help that Sarah started rejecting me for Kate,” she added.
In fact, her stepdaughter actually stopped spending time with her– no matter how many times she reached out. Plus, Sarah even stopped calling her mom.
She was understandably really hurt by that, too, and she tried to explain her feelings to Sarah. She told her stepdaughter that there was no need to choose; Sarah could have both her and Kate.
At the end of the day, though, Sarah claimed that while she was appreciated, Kate was Sarah and Mike’s real mom. And that really crushed her.
However, the real final straw was when Sarah did not even bother to invite her to her college graduation. And at that point, she kind of drew a line in the sand with her stepdaughter.
“I told her if she did not want to be my daughter, then fine. From then on, she would be my husband’s kid. Mike is no contact with her as well,” she said.
Then, out of the blue about three months ago, Sarah went over to her house with a new fiancé– who neither she nor her husband Rob even knew existed. Plus, Sarah ended up inviting her and Rob to the wedding.
Afterward, she was even asked to be a part of Sarah’s bridal party. Honestly, though, she refused her stepdaughter’s invitation.
She pointed out how they had not had a relationship in years because of Sarah’s wishes. So, she said it would be uncomfortable for her to take on that role after barely knowing her stepdaughter anymore.
Now, Sarah did end up apologizing after she opened up. Quite frankly, though, she just was not interested– and that really ticked Sarah off.
Her stepdaughter then began claiming that she needed to be there, too, because “what are people gonna think when both my brother and my dad’s wife aren’t there? Gramps is gonna get upset too.”
At that point, though, it was obvious to her that Sarah did not really want her at the event. Instead, her stepdaughter just cared about appearances and getting onto her grandfather’s good side– since he is reportedly rich.
So, she made her final decision and told Sarah that she would not be going to the wedding. Moreover, she never wants to have a relationship with her stepdaughter.
After that, Sarah began bawling and begging her for forgiveness.
“But it felt like crocodile tears to me,” she admitted.
Still, immediately after Sarah left, her stepdaughter would not stop texting her and trying to change her mind.
On the day of the wedding, Sarah even texted her and claimed to leave an empty seat– just in case she decided to go.
She stuck to her guns, though, and did not show up. And now, her husband, Rob, is honestly quite furious with her.
He has since accused her of ruining his daughter’s wedding and making Sarah cry.
Rob is also claiming that all her stepdaughter wanted was for her to be there, but she ruined the chance to fix their family.
So now, even though her stepson is on her side, she has been left wondering if refusing to show up at her stepdaughter’s wedding was actually a really jerky thing to do or not.
How would you feel if your stepchild dropped you after so many years of raising them? Do you think she tried to give Sarah grace in the beginning? Did she have a right to cut off contact with Sarah and refuse to go to the wedding after everything? What would you have done had you been in her shoes?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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