She Accused Her Fiancé’s 14-Year-Old Daughter Of Being Spoiled, Which Really Made Him Upset

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman is currently engaged to her 29-year-old fiancé named Dan. Dan has a 14-year-old daughter from a previous relationship, and her name is Nia.

Dan was only 15 when he became a parent, and so Nia actually lived with Dan’s parents, and they cared for her as she grew up.

2 of Dan’s siblings ended up deciding to share a bedroom with one another so that Nia could have her own space.

As for Nia’s mom, she sadly has never been a part of Nia’s life. She believes that Nia really is spoiled by Dan’s parents and by Dan’s siblings as well, partially because of that.

They all fawn over Nia and she also thinks Nia has had everything she ever desired handed to her, so she really is nothing but a spoiled brat.

She and Dan are currently preparing to live together, but Dan keeps saying Nia needs to live with them too.

Since Dan’s dad actually has legal custody over Nia, she doesn’t understand why Dan is so insistent upon Nia needing to help pick out where they live.

“I have no problem with Nia living with us,” she explained. “I think we get along just fine; however, we were planning to buy a home, and Dan insisted that we must get Nia’s input as well.”

“Nia looked at the home and asked if there are only 2 bedrooms in our home. We said yes. She asked us if we are planning to have kids together. We told her that she knows that we do. She said no, thank you; I’ll stay with my grandparents.”

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Dan freaked out and asked her why. She said she doesn’t want to share a bedroom with someone.”

After Nia gave them her opinion on her living situation, Dan lost it and began saying that he can’t live anywhere unless Nia comes too.

Dan also has been pressing her to get a larger home that does have more bedrooms, but they absolutely cannot afford that.

She’s now thinking that she and Dan will not be able to live together for a long time since it’s going to take them a while to get the money together to afford something up to Nia’s standards.

“I was furious,” she said. “I told him his daughter is spoiled, and he needs to parent her better instead of doing whatever she wants.”

Dan called her a mean name and accused her of insulting Nia. Since then, Dan really hasn’t been speaking to her.

She’s left wondering if it was rude of her to call Nia spoiled after all. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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