She And Her Family Use The Food Bank That Her College Provides, And After A Classmate Called Her Out For Not Needing This Since She Lives In A Big House, She Can’t Help But Wonder If Her Classmate Is Right

This 18-year-old girl currently attends community college, and her particular college offers a food bank service for students in need.
Now, she says that her family is super poor, and they do get some financial assistance from the government, but they’re not so poor that she would classify her family as food insecure.
Her family does have difficulty keeping up with paying their day-to-day expenses, but they do have money to feed themselves.
Her mom has another side job “under the table,” which is the real reason why they can afford to pay to put food on their table.
She does have a job herself, but her mom and dad do not want her to give them any money for expenses in their home because they want all of her money to pay for her college tuition.
So, because her college offers a food bank to qualifying students, she goes there once a week to pick up a box of food that she brings home to share with her family.
Sometimes, there are items in the food box that she and her family don’t like or just don’t need, so they always make sure to either give them to one of their neighbors who is a single mom or they put them in a food donation container.
“Someone I know saw me in line for the food bank and called me selfish for going since she’s seen my house and knows we can afford it (we have a big house in a good neighborhood, but we bought it for next to nothing because it was unlivable and my dad, uncle, and their friends had to spend over a year fixing it up),” she explained.
“I know everyone qualifies for the food bank, but I was wondering if we really are selfish for taking advantage of it.”

vejaa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Do you think it’s ok for her to be using the food bank at her college to help her family out?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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