She Cut Up Her Wedding Dress Into Something She Can Wear After Her Fiancé Cheated On Her And Her Sister Is Upset Since She Wanted To Wear The Dress To Her Own Wedding

Margo Basarab - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Margo Basarab - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A woman recently had to call off her wedding after her fiancé cheated on her. She was with him for 5 years, and 2 months before their wedding, she broke up with him.

She found out that he had cheated on her while he was at his bachelor party. He ended up sleeping with the adult entertainer there.

Instead of trashing her wedding dress or getting rid of it, she decided to cut it up into something she could actually wear out to a party.

Her wedding dress cost her approximately $2,000, and she paid for it herself. “I had been very depressed since everything happened because I felt it was somehow my fault for not being (attractive) enough or not giving him what he wanted,” she said.

She felt it would be empowering to turn her dress into another kind of dress. She has been sewing for around 15 years of her life, so she felt confident in making the dress beautiful.

She cut it into pieces, made it a new color that didn’t scream wedding, and ended up with a gorgeous dress that she can now actually enjoy.

After the transformation of her wedding dress was complete, she snapped a photo of her handiwork and posted it on Instagram.

She wrote a caption similar to “you can change the worst memories” and then her sister reaches out to her.

Her sister asked her if the dress she posted a photo of was her wedding dress. She replied that it was her wedding dress, and then her sister called her.

Margo Basarab – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her sister demanded to know why she would do that to her dress.

When she answered that she did not think it was a huge problem, her sister said she should have waited to alter the dress until after her wedding day.

At this point, she had no idea what her sister was talking about.

Her sister then pointed out that while they were all at the hotel where her wedding was going to take place, her sister had mentioned that if she can’t use her wedding dress, she could.

Now, because her whole family was in the process of trying to not make her feel so terrible about having to call off her wedding, she figured that comment was nothing more than a joke, especially since her sister never said it again.

Her sister is furious with her, and her own mom is pretty much staying out of it by saying she understands where they both are coming from.

How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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