She Lent Her One Sister $10,000, But When Her Other Sister Asked If She Could Borrow Money Too, She Said No

Yurok Aleksandrovich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Yurok Aleksandrovich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 35-year-old woman has 2 younger sisters; a 33-year-old sister named Amy and a 30-year-old sister named Julie.

Four years ago, Julie gave birth to her son, and within a few months, her son was diagnosed with an awful health condition.

Julie’s son then wound up in the hospital, and Julie and her husband ended up going into $10,000 of medical debt, despite having insurance and a little money to help pay their hospital bills down.

“I’m not drowning in money by any means, but I am financially stable and do not have any kids to provide for, and I never loan money, so this was an exception,” she explained.

“Julie approached me and asked if it was possible I could lend them the money as they were struggling to keep their house and afford living expenses. I said yes in a heartbeat, as that money went straight to my nephew’s care.”

“Julie, my BIL and I worked together with a fixed summary of how much they could realistically afford each month to pay me back. They even paid extra when they could, and they paid me back every dollar. My point is my sister didn’t flake on me and only came to me because she was desperate and stuck to her word of paying it back.”

Not too long ago, her sister Amy approached her, wanting a loan of $3,000. Amy is in the middle of a divorce, so she figured Amy was struggling financially.

She questioned Amy about if she needed some help paying for her 2 daughters, or her rent, or her groceries, but Amy said no, she was financially fine.

Instead, Amy mentioned that she wanted to “spoil” her girls by taking them on a trip to Disney, especially since her girls are upset about the divorce.

Yurok Aleksandrovich – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Amy then informed her that if she did save up for the Disney trip, it would take her a long time, and she really did want to go on the trip pretty soon.

She ultimately declined to lend Amy any money, as she didn’t agree with what Amy wanted to spend it on.

“I said I’m not paying for a vacation she doesn’t need and that I feel for the kids but that going away for a few days is something she’ll have to pay for herself, and I reminded her I don’t loan out money and that Julie was an exception,” she said.

Amy instantly became upset and called her a mean name for giving Julie money but refusing to do the same for her.

As for how Amy even knows about the money?

Their whole family was suspicious about where Julie came up with the cash to quickly pay down the medical debt, and Julie and Julie’s husband wound up accidentally spilling the beans about where the money came from.

She isn’t mad about it because she understands that Julie and Julie’s husband were under a lot of stress.

She pointed out to Amy that the money she lent to Julie was for Julie’s sick son, and that money kept Julie from losing her home as well as having to declare bankruptcy.

“She said that she ‘needs help just as much as Julie’ by giving her kids ‘something nice to look forward to,'” she continued.

“My family has been dragged into this, and my parents have been pressuring me to just this once ‘bend’ my rule again as the ‘grandkids are suffering.’ I told them if they’re that desperate for my nieces to go to Disney, why can’t they pay for it?”

“Their counter to that is that Amy asked me, not them and that they’re ‘retired and not in a position to lend money whereas you are.’ Julie says Amy is being..entitled…and just to ignore her.”

She’s left wondering if it really was wrong to lend Julie money but refuse when Amy asked for money too.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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