
4 Things You Should Definitely Sit Down And Talk To Your Partner About Before Getting Engaged

#3: Handling Conflict

No matter how blissful the start of a relationship is, disagreements and conflicts will inevitably pop up from time to time. However, what you fight about isn’t nearly as important as how you fight about it in the grand scheme of a successful relationship. How you look at conflict and navigate it can either drive a wedge or bring you closer together.

Look at disagreements as a chance to learn even more about your partner. After all, the strongest bonds are forged during hard times, not good times.

Discuss how you want each other to communicate during a disagreement. Remember that you are a team, so it’s the two of you vs. the problem, not you vs. your partner.

Teammates come together during adversity. If one/both of has difficulty slowing down during an argument or have a habit of saying things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment, consider finding a therapist or relationship coach to teach you healthier communication skills.

#4: Fears/Doubts About Your Partner

Nobody likes to admit it, but on some level, most people experience fear or insecurity about some aspect of their partner once things get serious and engagement/marriage is on the table. Instead of letting those doubts and fears fester, consider asking each other these questions:

-Is there anything about my lifestyle that bothers you?

-Is there anything from my past that still worries you?

-What does the thought of being with me forever do to you?

-What do you think I could do to cause you to resent me in the future?

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