After Her Friend Started Pursuing A Guy Who Was In A Relationship, She Asked Her Friend If She Really Wanted To Be Involved In Cheating, And Now Her Friend Is Accusing Her Of Messing Everything Up

This 28-year-old woman has a 35-year-old friend named Jen, whom she met through work. Not too long ago, Jen and her fiancé split up, and it was incredibly ugly.
Surprisingly, Jen is still on speaking terms with her fiancé, and bizarrely enough, Jen and her fiancé will reveal photos of their new dates to one another.
So, anyway, she and Jen work in the exact same office, and they became fast friends because there aren’t many people their age at their company.
There also happens to be a 25-year-old guy named Ryan who is the closest in age to them, and lately, Jen has started crushing on him.
“Jen and Ryan would go out to lunch together, walk to the bus together, and would talk on the phone all night,” she explained.
“She would come chat to me about him, things like “he brought me coffee today; do you think that means something?” Or “He gave me a plant; does he like me?” At first, I thought it was cute; it reminded me of a first love/crush.”
“Then I found out he has a long-distance girlfriend that he’s been seeing since they were in high school. Jen was sad for a bit, and I thought that would be it, but I guess they worked things out cause the following Monday they were back chatting.”
Instead of standing down, Jen just got more invested in pursuing Ryan, and she even said things to her like Ryan’s relationship isn’t a big deal because his girlfriend doesn’t live anywhere close to them.
Jen and Ryan then began hanging out a lot outside of work, which really made her upset. She doesn’t think it’s ok to cheat on someone or to pursue someone who is already committed, and so she started pulling back from Jen and Ryan gradually.

Yuriy Shevtsov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Then, Jen walked into her office one morning, chatting away about the “future” she and Ryan were going to share. She was alarmed, as she knew Jen’s heart would get broken because Ryan already had a girlfriend.
She then questioned Jen about what her limits were and if she really saw herself dating Ryan seriously and replacing his girlfriend. She pressed Jen about if she was planning on pushing Ryan to break up with his girlfriend or if she was alright with being “the other woman.”
Jen just laughed and replied that she had invited Ryan to come over to her house, but she wasn’t ever going to be a cheater.
In the week after that little chat, Jen ignored her completely. Instead, Jen went up to one of their other coworkers to fill this guy in on her situation with Ryan.
“Our coworker shared that Jen and Ryan hooked up; he knows because Jen showed him pictures of her and Ryan together in bed,” she said.
“She also sent the same photos to her ex-fiancé. Jen then drunk called me at 9 pm on a Wednesday night, saying how I got in her head and ruined everything. She sent a bunch of texts saying she told Ryan she loved him…how her ex talked her into confessing, and then sent a few photos of her and her ex together. Aside from this one instance, she still hasn’t spoken to me. I know my questions were not for me to ask, but I feel like they were important to ask yourself before getting physical with someone in a relationship. Did I overstep?”
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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