He Heard His Newborn Daughter Crying On Her Baby Monitor, And When He Went Into Her Room, He Saw A Man Standing Outside Her Bedroom Window In The Dark

New Africa - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
New Africa - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

I can’t imagine anything scarier than moving into a new home and discovering that someone may be stalking your house. It sounds straight out of a horror movie! One man recently had this experience after purchasing a home for himself, his wife, and their newborn baby. 

It all started several months after they moved when he was driving around the neighborhood. He passed by a strange-looking truck about two to three houses down from his. 

“I say ‘strange’ for a few reasons,” he explains. “We know literally everyone in our small neighborhood, and I’d never seen this truck/person before. There’s no reason for traffic to come down our street, and the truck was driving very slowly.”

Once he parked in his driveway, he noticed that the truck made a U-turn and slowly drove past his house. The driver was a suspicious man who shot him a dirty look as he passed before speeding off.

It freaked this guy out, and when he told his wife about what happened, he found out that she had the exact same experience with that same truck. They figured they should be more mindful of security. 

The truck suspiciously drove past their house in that manner a few more times throughout a couple of weeks and then suddenly stopped.

He decided that perhaps he was just being paranoid and tried to dismiss the whole thing. But unfortunately, things just got weirder around their house.

Over the last month, they started hearing a strange tapping noise on the front windows of their house late at night. It always happens around 10:00-11:00 PM and is very soft yet distinct. 

“Now, our house is older,” he says. “Creaks and cracks are not uncommon. But this sound was so distinctly intentional that my wife and I immediately looked at each other and bolted up out of the room.”

New Africa – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

After turning on all their outside lights and searching outside, he didn’t see anyone or anything that would’ve made those noises. He wanted to dismiss his anxiety again, thinking he was paranoid. But what happened to him recently was proof that something creepy was going on. 

He heard his daughter crying on her baby monitor right before 10:00 PM and went to check on her in the nursery, where there are a whole bunch of windows. He sat with his daughter in a rocking chair before placing her back in her crib.

Right after laying her down, he looked out the window and saw a figure standing outside between two of their shrubs. As he looked closer, he noticed it was a man wearing a grey hoodie, standing just a few feet away from the other side of the glass. 

He took his daughter, bolted out of the nursery, and brought her to his wife in their bedroom. He had her lock the doors as he turned on all of their outside lights and peered out the windows to look for the scary man. But the man had already run away before he could find him. 

Part of him is still hoping that he was just paranoid and imagining things, but since that night, he can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching his family.

So now, he covers every single window in the house as soon as he gets home from work, has security cameras installed, and has deadbolts on every exterior door. Here’s hoping that they catch this stalker and can get him out of their lives for good. 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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