
He’s Letting His Daughter Live In A Family Beach House During College Since She Will Inherit It In A Few Years, But His Girlfriend Thinks Her Daughter Should Also Be Allowed To Live There And Accused Him Of Favoritism

Jo Ann Snover - - illustrative purposes only

This Man Inherited An Amazing Beach House

Kristina Blokhin – – illustrative purposes only

After his grandfather passed away, this 48-year-old man inherited a lovely beach house. The home had been in his family for generations, and it holds a ton of sentimental value.

But It’s Causing Drama In His Relationship

Joshua Resnick – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Now, though, the fate of the beach house has sparked some serious drama in his relationship with his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s daughter.

He’s Been Dating His Girlfriend For Seven Years

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For context, he was previously married and had a daughter named Emmy with his first wife. Then, following his divorce, which ended on good terms, he met his long-term girlfriend– who he has been dating for seven years.

He And His Girlfriend Have Two Daughters The Same Age

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His girlfriend also happened to have a daughter named Kara, who was only three months older than Emmy. So now, both Emmy and Kara are 17-years-old.

He’s Never Had The Closest Relationship With His Girlfriend’s Daughter

Monkey Business – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

But, even though he has been in Kara’s life for seven years, he never took on the role of “father.” Don’t get me wrong– they still have a good relationship. But Kara already has an active father in his life, so it was different.

“I was in her life 50 percent of the time, so I have no doubt I played a large role in her life,” he explained. “But I wouldn’t say father, but others do say a nonlegal stepfather.”

During The Summer, His Own Daughter Spends The Majority Of Her Time With Him

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As for his own custody situation, he does have Emmy half of the time as well. Well, except for during the summer when he has Emmy most of the time due to his and his ex’s lifestyle.

Anyway, His Daughter And His Girlfriend’s Daughter Get Along

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Anyway, with all of that being said, he, his girlfriend, and the two girls all have good relationships. Kara and Emmy reportedly get along and are friendly.

They have even made solo plans together before, despite not really considering each other sisters or best friends.

Now, The Girls Are Heading Off To College

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More recently, though, the fact that both girls graduated high school and are heading to college soon has stirred up some drama.

His Girlfriend’s Daughter Asked If She Could Live In The Beach House

Jo Ann Snover – – illustrative purposes only

His girlfriend’s daughter, Kara, will be attending college near the beach house. So, she ended up asking if she could live in the home while in school to save money– which he claims would be a significant amount.

But Then His Daughter Asked To Live There Too

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Afterward, though, Emmy approached him also. Apparently, his daughter claimed that she also wanted to live there while in school but preferred to live alone.

There’s Enough Space For Both Girls

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Now, he says that the house has more than enough space to house both girls. Regardless, Emmy just was not on board with the idea. Instead, his daughter pointed out that she and Kara have very different lifestyles.

But His Daughter Wants To Live Alone

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So, Emmy told him that she would be much more comfortable either living alone or having a friend be her roommate if he really wanted her to live with someone.

His Daughter Added That One Day, The House Will Be Hers

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“It was a frank conversation, and she brought up the fact that the home will be hers one day,” he recalled.

“So it made sense, and she is right– the home will be hers by law in a few years, as I will pass it to her.”

His Girlfriend And Her Daughter Got Upset With Him

Andreshkova Nastya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After his girlfriend and Kara found out about this new arrangement, though, they were beyond upset. First, he got accused of favoring Emmy.

His Girlfriend Says His Daughter Is Already Set For Life With Scholarships

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Then, his girlfriend and Kara pointed out how Emmy was already set up for life. After all, his daughter already has a free ride to school because of scholarships and will have free housing.

But Her Daughter Needs To Take Out Loans For College

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Kara, on the other hand, will need to use loans for school and may have to take a gap year or attend a different school altogether just to afford the expenses.

His Girlfriend And Her Daughter Want Him To Reconsider

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So, his girlfriend and Kara asked him to reconsider. But even though he realizes he may have damaged his relationship with them and agrees that he is favoring Emmy, he does not really view it as a problem.

Of Course He Favors His Daughter

samael334 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Emmy is my daughter. Of course, I am going to favor her, right?” he asked.

Nonetheless, he has still been left wondering whether choosing to house his daughter and not his girlfriend’s daughter makes him a real jerk.

Do you think Emmy’s reasoning for not wanting to live with Kara was understandable? Is he right that it makes sense to let Emmy live there since she will inherit the beach house soon anyway? Is it his responsibility to provide for Kara’s expenses, or should that be up to his girlfriend and Kara’s biological dad, who is actively involved in her life? If you were in his shoes, what would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.