
He Told His Kids They Could Hide Out In His Office And Use It As A “Panic Room” Whenever Their Cousins Came Over, But His Wife Was Not Happy About It

dream@do - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

Together, this man and his wife have raised three children– who are now 12, 10, and 9-years-old. And honestly, he believes that they are pretty great kids.

On the other hand, he thinks that his wife’s sister and husband went in a different direction with their parenting. Apparently, the couple has three kids who are about the same ages as his children.

Yet, his sister-in-law and brother-in-law do not enforce any rules or use punishments when their children act in a way that he deems “bad behavior.”

So, even though he knows that his kids adore their cousins, his kids also believe that they are brats.

Now, he apparently works from home, and he has an office in the basement that doubles as his gaming room.

“I keep my console collection in there, and we have a PS4 upstairs as well,” he explained.

This essentially means that whenever his sister-in-law’s children come over, his own kids have permission to go into the basement and hide out in their office.

The door to the office has a lock on it, and the entry to the basement also locks. So, he calls it their “panic room.”

Apparently, his wife does not agree with this strategy, though, and believes that he is just teaching their kids to be antisocial.

dream@do – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

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