
Her Boyfriend Made A Comment About Her Guy Best Friend Never Finding Love During Her Best Friend’s Own Birthday Party, So She Kicked Her Boyfriend Out And Stayed With Her Best Friend Until He Calmed Down

fotofabrika - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman has known her best friend, who is a 26-year-old guy, for over 15 years.

Unfortunately, though, her best friend is reportedly very socially awkward and has a lot of confidence issues that stem from past trauma. In fact, as soon as he turned 18, his parents began constantly telling him that he was unwanted.

So because of that, her best friend had a very hard time dating in his younger years.

More recently, though, it was her best friend’s birthday. And since he does not have many friends, he asked her and her boyfriend of one year– who is 27– to invite some of their own friends to a birthday gathering.

She and her boyfriend did not mind doing that, either, and at first, the party was going great. But then, about an hour into the celebration, the party took a turn.

At that point, one of her boyfriend’s friends asked their partner to marry them. And despite the proposal being adorable– and her boyfriend being happy– it was clear that her best friend was visibly upset about it.

In fact, her best friend actually started walking up to his bedroom without even saying anything. Her boyfriend noticed something was off, too, and approached her best friend to ask what he was up to.

Her best friend ended up lying, though, and just claimed that he was not feeling well. Then, for whatever reason, her boyfriend looked at him and decided to make an entirely inappropriate comment.

“I know you are sad because you would never be able to experience something like this,” her boyfriend actually said.

fotofabrika – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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