
Her Boyfriend Made A Comment About Her Guy Best Friend Never Finding Love During Her Best Friend’s Own Birthday Party, So She Kicked Her Boyfriend Out And Stayed With Her Best Friend Until He Calmed Down

And, of course, her best friend was mortified and ended up running to his room and closing the door. She, on the other hand, was absolutely livid. In fact, she actually just called off the entire party before kicking her boyfriend out.

Then, once that was handled, she went back upstairs to her best friend’s room and convinced him to open up the door. Afterward, though, she found him in tears.

“He was sobbing and told me everyone’s life would be better if he wasn’t born and told me he was unwanted and would never be loved,” she revealed.

So, at that moment, she felt like an absolutely terrible friend. After all, her best friend had been there for her at her lowest points, yet she had no clue he had been feeling so sad.

And after having that realization, she decided to stay with her best friend until he was alright. She really just wanted to be there for him, but she was also nervous that he might do something if she was not with him.

So, she ended up calling her boyfriend and filling him in about what had happened.

Her boyfriend was just really angry at her for kicking him out, though, and tried to claim that her best friend was not a kid and could take care of himself.

She refused to leave her best friend’s side, though, and just hung up the phone on her boyfriend. Still, her boyfriend apparently did not take the hint– because he proceeded to blow up her phone and demand that she returns home.

She just kept ignoring his messages, though and waited for her best friend to stop crying and eventually fall asleep.

Then, once everything had calmed down, she honestly started to feel really guilty about everything that had happened that night.

“I feel like a terrible friend for not having a clue about my bestie’s mental health, and I also feel like a terrible girlfriend for upsetting my boyfriend,” she vented.

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