Her Boyfriend Said He Wants Her To Wear A Lot Of Makeup And Then He Even Drew Her A Graph Showing Her That She’s Not As Pretty As She Used To Be

This 26-year-old girl has a boyfriend the same age as her, and recently, her boyfriend said that he wants her to wear makeup since it would increase his level of happiness with her.
However, she does already put makeup on, which usually consists of mascara, eyeliner, and brow makeup.
Her boyfriend did state that he wanted her to wear an entire face of makeup, including lipstick, eyeshadow, false lashes, and foundation. He also said something about contouring and highlighting to her as well.
It really made her feel awful about herself, but her boyfriend insisted he was only trying to be truthful before accusing her of not wanting him to be happy.
Her boyfriend also asked her some very hurtful questions such as, “Do you even like to look good?” and “Don’t you want to be more attractive?” as well as “Don’t you want to look more attractive to me?”
If that wasn’t bad enough, he made her a drawing that depicted her being prettier back when she weighed 15 pounds less and did wear a lot of makeup.
At that point in time, she really loved to do her makeup because she thought it was creative and enjoyable, but she was not dating her boyfriend then.
“Then he said if I wore a full face of makeup, it would make up for all the apparent loss of attractiveness I accumulated,” she explained.
“Also, below my own personal line of attractiveness by maybe five inches was a horizontal straight line that went across the whole graph…this was a line where at/below that I could be considered ugly.”

deagreez – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“He says I shouldn’t be upset because obviously he doesn’t think I’m unattractive or ugly, but I could look even more beautiful if I tried, and he deserved to enjoy me at my absolute maximum attractiveness. He also said he is extremely jealous that my last boyfriend got to be with me when I wore more makeup and was thinner; basically that I was more “beautiful,” and he is upset he doesn’t get to enjoy my beauty as much as some other guy did.”
Her boyfriend would not drop the topic and even stated that she would be prettier with a lot more makeup and that she should want to do this to make him even happier.
She eventually couldn’t hide how upset she was getting, and he picked up on that. In response, her boyfriend just said he wanted to know what it was like to basically get to see her when she was in peak gorgeous condition.
The entire conversation left her feeling so awful about her appearance, and she’s now terrified to let her boyfriend see her without any makeup.
Prior to this little chat, her boyfriend did say that she’s pretty, but it annoys him that she could look even better and has “more potential.” How’s that for a backhanded compliment?
“I wouldn’t mind dolling up and wearing a full face of makeup for, like, a special date night if he didn’t make me feel so bad about it,” she said.
“I suppose I’m just sad that my boyfriend doesn’t find me as attractive as he could be and that it seems to be really bothering him. I really don’t know how to go about the situation or what to say to him. He just thinks I don’t care about his feelings when he saw how upset or unwilling I seem to be about it. He even started crying…IDK what to do. I need feedback and other male and female perspectives.”
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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