Her Brother Is Getting Married A Month After She Is, So She Expects Him To Pick Another Wedding Date Because She Thinks It’s Too Close To Her Own Special Day

EmotionPhoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
EmotionPhoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has been in a relationship with her fiancé for the last 7 years, but during that time, they have broken up and gotten back together on multiple occasions.

She admits their relationship has been pretty tumultuous, but she says that only has led them to being “more in love now” than they ever have been.

She finally has a wedding date set, but the fact that her brother is getting married a month after she is has only infuriated her lately.

Her brother Joey has dated a girl named Lana for 5 years, and they also happen to have 2 children together.

Just a couple of months after Joey started seeing Lana, Lana wound up pregnant, which led to Joey wanting to be serious with Lana.

She thinks Lana is obnoxious, entitled, and always in competition with everyone. She also is convinced that Lana is envious of her and always tries to copy what she does.

In October 2022, her fiancé asked her to marry him, and she was shocked when Joey then asked Lana to marry him right after that.

She knows that Joey has said all along that he had no interest in getting married to Lana, so she thinks Lana somehow twisted Joey’s arm to get him to propose to her.

Lana has since told their family that getting married will benefit them tax-wise, but she doesn’t buy it.

EmotionPhoto – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Next, she set their wedding date to 1 month after mine to one-up me because that’s how she is,” she explained.

“I thought that was not fair to our guests because some of them live out of town, and they can’t afford to fly here twice in 1 month for 2 weddings. My mom agreed with me, and we went over to Joey’s house to talk them into pushing their wedding date out further.”

Well, Joey and Lana weren’t happy about being asked to move their wedding date, and Lana stated that getting married in the summer is her dream.

Lana also pointed out that she already had a beautiful wedding dress, and then her mom made a mean comment about how Lana had no business wearing a blindingly white dress to get married in.

Well, her mom’s comment about the dress really set Joey over the edge, and he began shouting at them.

“I tried to get them to understand that they already have a wonderful family life… a house, kids, everything, and I haven’t gotten to start that life with my fiancé, so the least they could do is let me have my dream wedding in peace without her trying to compete with me,” she said.

“Joey called my relationship a sham and kicked me and my mom out of his house. Joey and Lana aren’t talking to us. They uninvited us to their daughter’s birthday party next weekend. I just want us all to live in peace with each other without any competitiveness or ill feelings.”

She says she’s willing to apologize if you agree that she’s in the wrong. Do you think Joey and Lana getting married a month after her special day will take away attention from her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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